Friday, November 15, 2019

Our Origin Story

Before we get to the main event, we've decided to give you all a bit of an origin story.

Sam - Ramblings of a Bookworm

For my birthday about 6 years ago, my sister gifted me signed copies of the first two books in a series.  Little did I know, that series would be the beginning of an amazing journey that she and I would embark on together.

As I've mentioned before, she and I have always been a fan of the written word, always sharing our thoughts over certain books, recommending epic reads to each other, and swooning over all of our favourite book boyfriends. The Book Boyfriend Series by Erin Noelle was certainly no exception.

As I journeyed through the life of Scarlett and her best friend Evie, who loved books just as much as my sister and I, one thing became abundantly clear: one day, I am going to become a book blogger, just like Scarlett.

Fast forward 6 years, and I am finally making that dream a reality with my best friend by my side.  I can't imagine doing this on my own, and I'm so excited that we've decided to explore this new world together.

Pam - Ruminations of an Insomniac

In my teens, I wasn't an avid reader. But I have had an infatuation with words, themselves, for as long as I can remember. Dumbledore said it best, "Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it." That being said, over the course of the last decade, I have found myself devouring more and more stories each year. In fact, 2019 is shaping up to be my first 200+ book year! 

When I stumbled across The Book Boyfriend series, there were only two books so far. I will admit, that at least 90% of the books in my library have been bought based on the cover. I often won't even read a synopsis before the book. And the other 10% are recommended to me, regardless of the cover, and I still don't read the synopsis in advance. Anyway, the stunning (yet simple) cover art drew me in, but it didn't take long before I was captivated by this world. Book blogging was a concept that fascinated me, out of the gate. And as I got to know Scarlett and Evie more, I drew so many parallels with the dynamic I had with my little sister. I gifted her those first two, and once we were finally through all four of the books that tell the this amazing story, we had come to the same conclusion. 

Over the course of the last 6 years, we never stopped reading. But life got busy, as it does, and the whole concept fell to the back of the closet. Our book blog dream collected dust bunnies, living behind our shoes. Then life changed again and the idea kept popping up. So here we are, probably biting off more than we can chew, but so excited to explore this world. We couldn't be more grateful for all of you, reading this. And for the authors who write these worlds for us to get lost in. Without all of you, this adventure would be for not. 

So, come on! Let's laugh, cry, swoon and swear together. Let's see who and what we can find within all these pages. Because this, friends? This is just the beginning! 

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